Slideshow: 11 Best Makeup & Beauty Tips For Older Women


    4. Thicker Lashes – Beautiful Eyes

    thicker lashes make beautiful eyes

    Step1-Baby Oil Eye Makeup Remover

    Aging has one more common thing to offer that is thinning of hair and it is not limited to your scalp only it is your brows and lashes too. Eyelash loss and thinning is another side effect of getting a little older. Thinning of lashes is normal and to delay it we suggest a small trick with bay oil- which keeps your lash hair conditioned and thus healthier. How do we use it – we use it as eye makeup remover every night simple! Put few drops of this oil on a cotton ball and roll it over your closed eye, remove all traces of makeup to keep your lashes and eyes healthy.

    It’s gentle enough for babies, true, but you still don’t want to get the oil directly in your eye. Just roll and swipe- simple.