Slideshow: 11 Best Makeup & Beauty Tips For Older Women


    Step3-Forget Fake Lashes – Do This Instead

    forget fake lashes

    Tired of applying coats and coats of mascara and if like me you are not a fax lash person and feel suffocated and burdened by their weight!

    Then this Step is for you only- Forget about the Extensions for longer lashes, specially formulated mascaras, darker lashes, and prescription supplements that claim lot many things.  Accidently and Fortunately enough one of our readers Jessica from Sonoma, CA learned a trick that stylists never revealed and will not happy about it going public, She read a beauty article that revealed the best lash product you’ve never heard of. Even Victoria Secret supermodels have secretly been using it for years! The best part is, you can try it yourself! Click here to learn about this 1 Lash Tool that every woman must try.