Saw palmetto


    It is extracted from the fruit called Serenoa repens. This herb stimulates the production of the testosterone which can effectively help you in building muscle and increasing muscle growth. You will be amazed to know how effective this ingredient is when it comes to gaining muscle mass. Many athletes consume this as a steroid substitute to increase the muscle mass or bulk up the amount of muscle mass.

    The dihydrotestosterone is the potent form of testosterone, but this herb blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Why does it do so, if you are wondering the same I’ll tell you the reason? It does so because a level of dihydrotestosterone is reported to cause male baldness and by blocking the conversion it effectively treats their hair loss issues or slows down hair loss. It is also proven that excess level of testosterone in one’s body can cause adverse side effects. Prostate enlargement and male boobs are amongst few reasons. So when testosterone is not producing androgen, there will be free testosterone floating around the body which will get bound in the body for future use.

    It is loaded with many health benefits as it will help you to feel light by doing away the bloating feeling. It can do so because its content has anti-androgen properties which won’t retain water in your body. It is also a potent aphrodisiac and can treat erectile or penile dysfunction amongst men.