What Men Want In Bed!


    You may have a toned sexy body, the tempting lingerie and may have even gone through pole-dancing lessons :P… Nevertheless, there are few things, which can literally make your man jump in bed! You, of course, should not let your man dictate how you’d behave in bed. We do not want you to do something weird or outrageous— just a lil cowgirl hither and thither. Few other things that your guy is definitely gonna enjoy during sex include the below.


    #Dirty Talking

    Men want their gal to be comfy with them and do the ‘dirty talking‘ in the bedroom. It arouses them. Men like phrases which tell them how you feel with them .Make sure you use apt words and phrases like ‘yeah’ ,’harder’, ‘oh man’ etc. and not the long sentences.

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    Source: http://www.today.com/


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    Source: https://gypsta.wordpress.com/


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    Source: http://www.popsugar.com/

    #Occasionally Take Control

    Men like that you lead them… not always but yes occasionally. It is a big turn-on to see the girl assertive in bed. Confidence is the key .Time to dominate! Yeah .


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    Source: http://zhiphopcleveland.com/


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    Source: http://wonderwoman.intoday.in/


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    Source: http://wonderwoman.intoday.in/


    #Experimenting New Positions

    Men want their women to be adventurous. They want their ladies to try and initiate new positions in bed. It keeps things fresh in the bed.

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    Source: http://pages.rediff.com/


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    Source: http://www.yourtango.com/


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    Source: http://www.cp24.com/


    #Surprise Him

    Getting outside the comfort zone and bringing on a sudden surprise in the bedroom makes us tick ‘right there’. It makes us feel good and wanted. Men feel great when you put efforts to make things exciting.

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    Source: http://www.indiatimes.com/


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    Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

    #Oral Sex

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    Source: http://www.eventbrite.com/

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    Source: http://www.sodahead.com/

    Men can’t resist blowjobs. They want their woman to serve good oral sex in the bedroom. Like women, men too want their bodies to be explored. So go on linger some fingers around his crotch, rub his neck and feel his warmth.

    #Nude Show

    Men like to see your naked body. Giving a nude show of your body is extremely exciting and tempting for them. They venerate their gal’s naked body.

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    Source: http://youzeek.com/

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    Source: http://www.avoiceformen.com/

    #Be Vocal

    Men love it when you loose control and get vocal. Whether its moaning, screaming, hissing or wateva…. it serves as a feedback of the communication being made !. Reciprocate by saying ‘yess’, ‘I like that’, ‘hmmm’. It acts as a positive signal to men.

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    Source: http://www.hercampus.com/


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    Source: http://tr.askmen.com/

    #No Faking

    Many a times woman fake orgasm ,we understand that you love your man and don’t want to hurt his ego but it has negative impact i.e. you are concealing what really pleases you in bed and hampers his chance to improve and be a better player in bed. If you are really pleased with something he does, then let him know but yess expressively!!


    Source: http://www.cosmopolitan.com.au/


    heterosexual couple having sex

    Source: http://healthgreatness.com/
    orogonal http://storage.torontosun.com