5 Kinky Workable Beauty Tips : Check These Out Gals!!


    Who doesn’t want to look beautiful haan?Damsels and divas, you sweat it out so much from workplace to home, forging a fine point, almost an extraordinary balance between the two and yet when it comes to maintaining your looks and beauty every things takes a back stage!”.

    Excuses, Excuses and excuses, is that all you have for yourself? Yes we know you don’t have time. Yes we know you have to attend that PTM s and yes we also know that you work under deadlines and tight work schedules with nagging bosses”. Lets work up some amazing beauty tips and stay gorgeous like never before!

    But, is losing out on yourself, all that justified? Is ignoring your health for the sake of work and home, prudent? Is letting priorities of the world take over before you, wise? No girls No. You don’t deserve losing your most important asset and that is your beauty. Age is no bar. Time is no barrier. You don’t have to sit hours on in a beauty parlor to look all that dashing and awesome.

    Here are Your Tips-

    We have here a quick look at some of the quirky, wacky tips that you can find to give you that hot, glam look and too without much ado.

    #Drink Hot Cup of Water Every Morning

    Yes, you heard it right. All those mornings tea buffs, let yourself switch over to a morning cup of hot water added with lemon and see how it works wonder. Not only it helps cleanse the body of toxins but also purifies your skin making it glow with a natural glow and charm. It also hydrates your skin and makes it supple.

    #Scrub On

    Make a habit to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to get yourself rid of dry and dead skin cells. These may block up skin pores, besides becoming opaque and not reflecting light off your skin. Use baking sodas mixed well in equal parts with water and give a gentle rub with a scrub. Thereafter after apply a bit of moisturizer and coconut oil for best results.


    #Keep your hands off your Skin

    Avoid those nasty scratches and rubbing your eyes too often as our skin on the face is pretty delicate and a consistent tug may cause tears and may cause lines and wrinkles in the long run.


    #Bath with Tea

    What?? Yeah it’s correct! Prepare black tea without milk with at least 5 teabags. Let it cool down and fill it up in a spray bottle. Now when in shower spray only one body part and leaving it to dry before putting on another coat. Let your skin go dry full and you will see how your skin glow with that beautiful tan.

    #Put on your Sunscreen

    Last but not the least, never forget to slather yourself with sunscreen before stepping out. It’s not a big deal with just a little tweak in your routine; you can easily obtain clear healthy glowing skin without much makeup.

    Try these I am sure you will love these.


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