We human beings deals with the most profound emotion called LOVE!
Love is one emotion which blind folds all the other feelings. Thus, it becomes kinda difficult to manage and nurture. And if you are really into your special person’ do not make this relationship suffocating. Compatibility is the biggest asset which makes this togetherness last forever.
Source: http://www.livewallpapers.org/
There are certain qualities which are important to make the two minds stay connected. To generate companionship in your relations there are a bunch of circumstances which needs to be practiced in every aspect. These stated conditions are love-the foremost key ingredient to develop a sound of compatibility in your relationship. Another ones are trust, honesty, security, respect, assurance, passion, individuality, harmony, desire, hope….with all these parts of love parcel, a sense of compatibility is developed among the two.
Trust and love
Trust your significant other and tender all your love to cherish your relationship. Trust on your faith and love before it’s too late.
Source: wookmark.com
Money and spending
If he is spender than she is a saver. The wide desire of spending and earning money is something which can create the conflicts between the two. Because it can be awkward to talk about money and finances, and both of you spend money on each other but sometimes this earning and spending do not go with as smooth as is sounds to be.
Source: http://media1.onsugar.com/
Sex and intimacy
Incompatibility in the bedroom is the another mere common reason for long-term relationship continuity. Just like money, talking about your own personal sexual desires fantasies and needs may be challenging at times. But as soon as you figure it out that the two of you are sexually compatible, the quicker you can know whether you share this compatibility.
Source: http://img.webmd.com/
Respect and desire
Respect the desired thoughts of you partner. This gives a sense of assurance and harmony in the relationship. Two people who are ego centered are not likely to be get along for a long-term. This is because every very tolerant person can be worst at times after being overlapped with the partner’s ego.
Source: http://www.sojho.com/
Spirituality and religion
Many people who come from two different religious backgrounds work hard to make their relationship work. Perhaps, talk to some of these couples, they’ll tell you how challenging their journey was. Working as parallel with different lines can create a great disturbance between the two.
Source: http://blogs.uoregon.edu/
# Questions to please your anxiety level or to know how good are you in a relationship
Source: http://proprofs-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/
Know your standard: 0 = Incompatible | 1 = weak | 2 = Average | 3 = Strong | 4 = Very Strong
- Do you both share each others basic values? (rate yourself)
- Do you share interests?
- Are your temperaments compatible?
- Do you relate to each other authentically?
- Do you both complement each other intellectually?
- Are you attracted to each other?
Overall Total (add up rankings).
Give marks to yourself and check out how compatible you both are.
However, at the end what actually checks your compatibility is not what these quizzes tell you but your longing to stay with your partner.