Breast Enhancement Guide


    Women are always conscious about their appearances, body figure and appealing personality. Breasts are one of the most important part of the female body that signifies the natural femininity in women. The firmer and bigger breasts not only enhances the female femininity, but also makes them look beautiful with charming figure. But, unfortunately some women are not happy with their breast size or some experiences like loss of shape and firmness due to their growing age or after pregnancy. Apart from it, other reasons like fat, lack of vitamin, unhealthy diet, stress, genetics and hormonal imbalance are also responsible for determining breast size.

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    If you are also one of those who is in quest of boob enhancing methods, then you have a variety of options for it such as breast enhancement creams, breast enhancement massage, surgeries and many more. But, before you go for any of the breast enhancement options, you should know about all the details so that you can make a right decision. In this article, I have described various breast augment techniques and methods, which are going to help you choose the right one and offer exactly what you are looking for. Scroll down to check out…..

    1. Surgical method for Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation surgery is a new invention of medical science that comes as a boon for the women. There are various reasons due which breast enlargement surgery is extensively used on women like females recovering from mastectomy, breast cancer or who are willing to change their appearance. There are different types of breast implants that includes

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    • Saline breast implants
    • Gummy bear breast implants
    • Silicone breast implants
    • Textured breast implants
    • Smooth breast implants
    • Round breast implants

    Pros of breast enhancement surgeries

    • As mentioned above, it has proven beneficial results in case of dealing with breast cancer and mastectomy.
    • If you have a flat chest or want bigger and firmer breasts, then you can go for breast implant to get natural looking cup size.
    • This method offers instant results

    Cons of breast enhancement surgery

    • Scarring
    • Infection
    • Side effects of Anesthesia (at the time of surgery)
    • Rupture
    • Loss of sensation

    2. Natural Methods to enhance breast size

    Apart from surgical method, there is another option of enhancing breast through natural way which are safe and effective too. Women who don’t want to go for medical surgeries can adopt these natural methods to improve their physical appearance.

    Pop up breast enhancement pills

    It’s one of the most effective solutions to enhance the breast size through natural ways. Pills or supplements are made from the natural herbs or plants that work well in stimulating the breast tissues and enhance the size of boobs. Also, it contains minerals and vitamins that augment the estrogen level in the body and increase your breast size. These breast enhancement pills are available in the form of capsules so that you can buy it as per your preference. Always choose high quality FDA approved supplements that offer effective results in breast enlargement and are safe to use.

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    Use of breast enhancement Creams

    There are a number of breast enhancement creams that are available in the market which claim for effective results, but all the products are not worth it. These products comprise of such components that help in encouraging the growth of breast tissues and make them firmer and denser. Before starting to use any type of breast enlargement creams, it is always good to check out its reviews.

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    Regular Breast enhancement Massage

    Yeah! Breast massage has revealed significant results in improving the saggy boobs into firm and heavy ones. Regular massage stimulates the blood circulation in the chest area and encourage the production of prolactin hormone which is responsible for augmenting the boob size naturally. You can use natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc. which are considered apt for enhancing breast size.

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    Selection of right Bra

    Wearing a right bra is another important factor that helps you to make your breast look bigger and firmer. The specialized bras like push-ups are designed in such a way that pushes your boobs to upward side and makes them look bigger and dense.

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    Pumps for breast enhancement

    If you are not comfortable with popping pills or doing exercise, then breast enlargement pump is a perfect choice for you. These pumps work through the process of tissue expansion in which general suction is used to promote the blood circulation that encourages tissue growth in the breast. In this process, the skin and tissues get stretched and stimulates the production of new mammary gland tissues that increase your cup size.

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    Regular workout helps in developing your breast by building pectoral muscles and enhancing fatty tissues in the boobs. By doing some specific breast enhancing exercise such as Pushups, Chest dip, dumbbell fly’s, weight lifting, etc. you can build your chest muscles and enhance the size of your compact and saggy boobs.

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    Herbs for increasing cup size

    Since ancient times, herbs have been used for curing various health conditions; and making your breast size bigger is one of them. These herbs are available in pills and capsules designed for breast enhancement.

    a. Fenugreek: It encourages the growth of prolactin hormones that boost your breast size.

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    b. Fennel Seeds: The fennel seeds have flavonoids, which possess estrogenic properties. It is useful for increasing breast tissues in women and offer effective results.

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    c. Saw palmetto: It is enriched with certain type of enzymes that offer positive results and make your boob’s size bigger.

    Breast enhancement Diet

    Add booby friendly food items in your diet, which offers effective results to speed up the growth of your breast size. Include nutritious food like Seafood, nuts, milk, meat, leafy green veggies, fruits, etc. in your diet that comprises of all the essential vitamins, minerals and proteins helping you in producing hormones responsible for the breast augmentation.

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    Why natural breast enhancement methods are beneficial?

    Below are some of the benefits that you can enjoy by trying natural breast enlargement methods.


    It’s a natural and safe method which helps in enhancing your boob’s size without any side effects. These methods are completely safe and promote natural growth of boob size as well as make it firmer.

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    The natural herbs not only help in enhancing the size your breasts but also provide immense relief in indigestion problem and other benefits like keeping you energetic, reduce mood swings, etc.

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    No pain

    If you go for breast enhancement surgery, then you must not ignore its dangerous side effects like infection, cancer and many more. But, natural method of breast enchantment is painless and offer effective results without negative effects.

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    Cost effective

    You don’t need to spend too much money with natural breast enhancement methods. These methods are affordable as compared to expensive breast augment surgeries.

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    Result oriented

    The natural breast enhancement methods have discovered effective results in augmenting women breast and also make them firmer as well as denser.

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    Different forms

    You can choose any comfortable and effective natural methods like pumps, creams, exercise, supplements or herbs to augment your breast size. All these methods can be applied easily at home.

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    After reading this article, I hope you get some idea about surgical and natural methods for breast enlargement. These above mentioned methods which work differently on different people. Therefore, before you decide to go for any method, it is advisable to consult a physician.