Effective Ways to Lose Tummy Fat in 15 Days!!


    With crazy “yo-yo” diets, fitness regimens, and exercise routines round the corner, it becomes really difficult to keep a tab on which method works best for you to lose tummy fat. Should you opt for drinking liters of water or should you join zoomba or aerobic classes or should you sip some extra green tea… these are all like a riddle wrapped in enigma.

    Despite of having no-carbohydrate diet or eating dinner earlier at 6 am are loop-hole weight loss slangs that prevent you from walking on royal road to healthy living and faster weight loss.


    Here listed are ten easy and sure-shot weight loss tips that really work great to slice your extra flab:

    #Tip -1: Aim

    A perfect objective and aim is important to be decided on an account of your weight loss journey so that you know from where are you beginning and where you need to end. Then you have to determine a new journey to sustain the end point.

    Use the reliable methods such as BMI calculator, ideal weight calculator as per your height and more.

    #Tip -2: Manage the Time

    It is important to have a perfect time management chart with you and follow it strictly. Many people often overlook this and lose the sense of dedication. You need to decide the time of day for exercises, time to have your snacks and meals, time for stocking up your groceries. I know I said exercise, but to stay healthy as a matter of fact ruling out exercises or put it differently, ruling out some body movement is like expecting the TV will turn on without using even the remote control!


    #Tip -3: Pile Up Your Refrigerator

    It is important to keep your kitchen cupboards and refrigerator stocked up with vegetables, fruits, cereals, spices, herbs, grains, healthy meat and eggs, and flavors. You can easily find low-calorie diet recopies on internet and prepare your meals accordingly.


    #Tip -4: Culinary Activities!

    The junk foods or the foods you buy from restaurants are cooked in cheap oils that are rich in omega 6 content and lack in omega-3 content. This makes you gain more weight and pull on pounds. Instead you can eat healthy home cooked food that will not only assure healthy eating but your body will also tend to move and you will exercise. Its better to learn some easy cooking recipes… #KhanaKhazana and #FoodFood is doing that all day long! Make use of that!


    #Tip-5: Start a Cardio Workout

    Pulling weights and doing a cardio workout is the best way to lose weight in a healthy way. Be it any weight loss program, it is incomplete without a good exercise regimen, mark my words! You can undergo many exercises such as skipping, climbing, running, swimming, cycling, crunches and others.


    #Here are 5 Foods that Really help Weight Loss without much ado!

    Beetroot – Its an ultimate detox food. Tasty, Beautiful (after its peeled), and super rich in minerals, vitamins and anti oxidants. Make its juice, eat raw or cook in recipes. Its works all ways.

    Lemon – Its that magic little bit that really helps detoxify ones internals. A glass of lemon juice mixed in warm water every morning in an empty stomach can be your secret to have a flab less tummy!

    Ginger – Rich in anti-oxidants, its another superb natural food thats really good for detoxification.

    Apples – The crunchy apples are a great companion for hose who seek to lose tummy fat. It helps control appetite and is totally a super food is every way!

    Beans – Beans are a good source of proteins and that straight away means its gonna leave you full for long! What more does a weight loss aspirant ask for!!


    However, no food on its own can help you shed weight and get slim. Its a collective approach, to lose weight you need to incorporate right diets and lifestyle in your routine. Having active day routine and altering lifestyle and snacking habits can turn your flab to firm and fit within just 15-20 days!!!

    Adopt these habits and share your results!

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