Why does the Green Eyed Monster of Jealousy Bite Women?


    The fairer sex… all nice gentle and calm! That is how generally women are described… But talk to a woman and she will have all nasty things to tell you about her tribe!! Why is that jealous women are easy to spot!? It is believed that directly or indirectly, low self esteem and self hatred are main reasons for the disloyalty of women towards each other. Statements like “how could she do this?” are constantly heard phrases that are audible whenever there is a group of girls talking to each other! Married women feel jealous of their unmarried friends and those who are yet to tie the knot feel even more jealous of their married friends. Now you know how this emotion feeds on itself!  For instance, check the image below!


    Apparently the boob-theory not only obsesses men, it intrigues women too!!! Hopefully that explains why the sale of push ups and padded bras always reeks up, and the prices!!

    The most inexplicably quirky part of all this is that any woman feels jealously green to death when her spouse or partner sheds a look at another of the lot!! You just watch out the fury, guys!! But why do women dislike other women? Let’s investigate the reasons…

    But before that, here is something, you may find amusing!


    Reasons of Jealousy in Women

    Insecurity and lack of trust is what engenders jealousy and envy. It is a negative emotion and has some even more negative results. It can break your heart, ruin a relationship and what not!! In spite of the statutory warnings such as above mentioned, why are women not able to control this emotion? Some reasons are:giphy

    • Insecurity Factor: This feeling makes you suspicious about things and also gives a feeling of uneasiness. Women who lack confidence are more prone to nurture such feelings. Insecurity results in making one bestow little or at times no trust even on friends and family.
    • Possessiveness: Being possessive is good but being over possessive about people involved with you may be your friends, partner or even family, can lead to many problems. And the moment a women’s possession is even remotely threatened, she feels insecure and the cycle repeats itself!
    • Competition: Women are said to be great competitor’s courtesy, the feeling called jealousy. Although they hate being compared to others, women love to compete with other women. She wore high heels in the party… I will wear higher in the next!


    Such is the case ladies! But do you know you can save much of your blood from burning and wasting due to this hard feeling! Here is how you can stop being jealous… or at least feel less jealous!
    How can Jealousy be controlled?jealousy

    • Think Positive: Concentrate on your happier moments instead of depressing ones to avoid the feeling of being jealous of other’s happiness. This is surely going to help you feel much lighter and better.
    • Get Opinion from Others: Whenever you feel that bouts of jealousy are going to envelop you, try to get closer to those who you think will surely double up your pride in yourself! Its mean but it works!
    • Pamper Yourself Oftener! Go to a shopping spree and buy things you like, get a spa treatment, organize a cozy date or a dinner with your partner. Do whatever makes you feel happy and content.

    This way you will definitely defeat the green eyed monster of jealousy!noopinionWolfs Apart! Before you drown me with hate mails and comments, dearies, tell me if instead the men folks in your life are more jealous… In fact who is more jealous- men or women?? What say.. share your thought!

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