
    Marriage is a beautiful relationship where two partners tie knots and promise to live together for their entire life. Emotional bonding, care, love and trust are the essential essences of any marriage which flourish the couple’s relationship stronger with time. But, apart from it, we can’t deny the importance of sex in marriage life. Sex is one of the most important things that play a vital role in thriving your married life in a better way. It gives a different meaning to your relationship and develop the soul of emotional closeness and physical intimacy within a love birds.

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    How is sex Important for a happy and healthy Married life?

    Although sex is not everything, it plays a key role in keeping a married life healthy and sane. A secret of happy marriage life lies in the face that how we bond with each other emotionally and physically. And, here comes the importance of sex in marriage life. While making love, couples share a lot of things that brings them closer to each other like sharing their emotions, feelings and agonies. Sex and love are the roots of the strong relationship that enlighten the bond of trust, confidence and safety between the couples. Even, the research shows that when you have sex your body releases the love hormone “oxytocin” which helps in improving the intimacy level between you and your partner.

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    Sex is not only develop the emotional and intimate boundaries for happy marriage, but it also holds the various health benefits for you. You might get surprised, but that’s TRUE!, You can reap the health benefits of sex by having a good sexual life. Scroll down to know more..

    • Sex benefits for Weight Loss

    Sex is also counted as a form of exercise. While intercourse, you need lots of energy for certain positions which makes you sweat and contracting all the body muscles. Therefore, sex is considered as a moderately intense exercise which burns 85 to 250 calories depending on the length of intercourse session. As per recent research, sex burns approx. 3 calories for women and 4 calories for men in one minute. Moreover, it also keeps your body flexible and balanced.

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    Enjoy the health benefits of sex by sweat on your bed.

    • Sex works as Stress Buster

    Having sex is a best way to beat your stress and anxiety! During sex body releases endorphins hormones that work as a natural stress buster and mood enhancer for you. As per the studies, it has been found that people who are active in their sex life can handle the stress related tasks easily such as public speaking in a better way as compared to those who had no sex.

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    So, be close to your partner and slip out your all tensions.

    • Sex for sound sleep

    Not able to sleep properly due to anxiety or stress? If yes, then sex may help you to overcome from this problem. During intercourse and after orgasm, brain produces powerful hormones that include serotonin, oxytocin, norepinephrine and serotonin which are associated with the sleep. These hormones, especially affect men because their brain part “pre-frontal cortex” immediately turned off after orgasm, which is responsible for the alertness, mental activities and consciousness.

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    So, don’t get angry if your beloved turn sleeps after sex..

    • Sex benefits for building immunity

    The science has proven that sex is beneficial for boosting your immune system and prevent you from the problems like cold and flu viruses. People who are having sex once or twice in a week have higher level of antibody called immunoglobulin which play a major role in combating with the germs causing cold, cough and flus.

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    So, spark up the light of good sex in marriage to build stronger immune system.

    • Sex for glowing and youthful skin

    Can sex make you look more beautiful? Answer is yes! Sex is also one of reasons for having a glowing and shiny skin. Sex promotes the production of vital hormones like estrogen and testosterone that makes your skin look young and glowing. The estrogen is also beneficial for promoting the healthy and shiny hair and skin. Moreover, sex also increases blood circulation and boosts the production of natural collagen that keep you away from the signs of aging and sagging.

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    It means, more wrinkles in your bed sheets make lesser wrinkle on your face!

    • Sex for healthy heart

    A good sex life is beneficial for a healthy heart. Sex is an exercise that raises your heart rate and helps in maintaining the balance between estrogen and testosterone hormone level in the body. If any of these hormones decrease in the body, then it leads to the problems like osteoporosis and heart problems. Some people think that during the sex expanded effort is needed so, it may cause the stroke issues, but it’s not at all true. Studies show that men who have sex at least twice a week are less prone to the risk of heart attack as compared to those who had less sex or once in a month.

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    So, save your beloved heart with lovemaking

    • Sex for lessen pain

    During intercourse, body releases pain reducing hormones, which is beneficial for blocking chronic back pain, leg pain, arthritis, mensuration cramps and headaches. Even, it has also found that some patients get complete or partial relief in migraine and cluster-headache due to their active sexual life.

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    Get cozy with your partner and keep the pain away

    • Sex decrease the risk of Prostate Cancer

    Yes! A good sex in marriage life can prevent your partner from the risk of prostate cancer. As per the research, published in the journal of the American Medical association, men who ejaculated at least 21 times in a month are at lower risk of causing prostate cancer. The ejaculation can be done during sex or by masturbation both have the same results. However, other factors are also involved in it for further studies.

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    Loving your man means you are saving him from cancer

    • Sex benefit for improving women’s bladder control

    Having a good intercourse improves your pelvic muscles which plays a key role in orgasm. It helps in getting rid of incontinence and thus, improves bladder control. Also, you can boost it more by doing an exercise called as “Kegel”. Basically, the Kegel squeeze happens when you raise your pelvic muscles and tightly hold them (just like you are stopping the urinal flow).

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    Have sex and keep your bladder healthy


    Finally, the answer is revealed for the question that How Many Time Sex in a Week Is Good For Health?

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    Active sex life is necessary for a happy marriage, but for this, you don’t need to have it on a regular basis. As per the new studies, it has found that couples who have sex once a week are the happiest. Amy Muise, a social psychologist from the University of Toronto said, “Our research suggests that couples do not need to aim to engage in sex as frequently as possible but instead aim to maintain a connection with their partner,”

    For sustaining a good relation, you don’t have to focus in the quantity of sex, but the quality and understanding within the partners is what’s much needed. Also, there is absolutely no harm in having regular sex, but don’t force yourself into it.