Miley Cyrus – New Name for Controversy!


    Miley Cyrus- the 22 year old singer, songwriter and actress is not a new name for controversies… With a fair share of controversies, her most controversial act is of 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. While performing at the awards with Robert Thicke, a fellow American Canadian singer, she performed certain significant obscene gestures during the performance of their famous songs  “We can’t stop” and “Blurred lines”. During the performance of “Blurred lines” she touched Thicke’s crotch area and twerked against his crotch. The performance was highly criticised and  is said to have sent shock waves across the industry. The performance was described as “crass” and “reminiscent of a bad acid trip”.miley-cyrus-tongue-4


    The controversy overshadowed the attention that was given to other major events of the night. The performance left the audience in a reaction of confusion, dismay and horror and the performance became the most tweeted about event in the history.

    The Vanity Fair issue of June 2008 carried a picture of the “Honnah Montana Star” posing her back fully exposed in  in a satin bed sheet. The actress received severe criticism for the provocative picture and she later apologised for the shoot.

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    A month later, some pictures of the singer taking the shower hit the web. The pictures were meant for her then boyfriend Nick Jonas. Sometime later, a picture of the actress surfaced in which she was seen mocking Asians by pulling her skin back from her eyes along with a group of friends. She later issued a statement asking for an  apology and said that the pictures were taken out of context and that she did not mean to offend anyone.

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    The evolution for the singer seemed underway with her video “Can’t be tamed”. The single showed Miley transforming into a wild pop star bird that can’t be caged. The actress said that the video showed the change that she has undergone but essentially she is the same. She claimed that she was the same since she was 11-year old when she appeared on the “Honnah Montana”. Though the actress claims, the admirers and critics may think otherwise and take her changed image as true.

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    Cyrus next made headlines shortly after her 18th birthday when the video of the singer appeared on the web showing her taking the drug after what she described as “a little bit of a bad trip”. The substance, Salvia was not banned in California but the actress issued an apology. “I’m not perfect,” Cyrus clarified regarding her use of salvia, which is a legal drug in most states including California, where she reportedly smoked. The video was issued by one of her friends.

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    The next episode that put her in the news was the occasion of her birthday when she surprised her boyfriend with a penis shaped cake. The cake was in the honour of Miley’s fiancee and the actress posed with the cake from many for the pictures.



    The next time the singer shocked the world again is when she had an infamous haircut. She got her famous locks cut and transformed herself and presented herself into an entirely new look. Though the actress was severely criticized for her action but she defended her decision “I’m going to change, I’m going to be different, I’m going to do what I want to do,”

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    The next point of controversy came in the career of the singer when to promote her fourth music album “Bangrez” that featured the famous “We can’t stop”, the singer conducted a tour of Americas, Europe and Oceania in support of her album. The tour was widely criticized for the staging of obscene gestures and the tour was once in the danger of being cancelled because of this. Though the tour was criticized in general it was especially opposed by parents since they considered the performance by the artist as inappropriate for young fans.

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    Though successful as a singer, the actress has also a fair share of her controversies. All that the singer actress has done so far cannot be termed appropriate or excusable, it is understandable since the actress wants to create publicity for herself and want to remain in the news. She should instead focus on her work and tend to avoid the gimmicks which land her to the news. This way her career will be more rewarding and she will not be opposed by her detractors.