Oats- Eat And Apply : To Remain Beautiful!


    Fiber rich, low calorie, folate, omega-3 fatty acids and potassium, yes, that’s the way to healthy life. A full bowl in the morning of oatmeal is a smart dietary choice for lowering your cholesterol level and maintaining the healthy state of your delicate heart. It not only helps in healthy kick start of your day, but it also helps in serving same benefits when applied to your skin. Come, let’s dig a bigger and deeper hole to this fact..

    # Skin Benefits Of Oats

    Treatment of Acne

    acne1Source: http://hisacne.com/

    Pissed off with your acne marks? No worries, cooked oatmeal is here to help you out! Boil some oatmeal in a bowl to bring some soft effect to it and let it cool for atleast 15 minutes. Now apply it on the affected area of your skin and rinse it off after 10 minutes. This process will further help in removing bacteria and excess oil from your skin and treating dead skin cells, thus curing your acne issue.

    Skin Moisturizer

    Skinwise - Completely Defend Your Perfect Skin_1Source: http://womenworld.org/

    It even works as a natural moisturizer for your skin, which helps in removing your dead skin cells. It contains a substance named beta-glucan in it, which penetrates deep into your skin, thus providing a deep moisturisation to your skin. It even helps in your wound healing, shallow abrasions, activating your immune cells and improving collagen deposition of your skin.

    Relieves Itchiness

    woman-scratching-armSource: http://images.wisegeek.com/
    treat-itchy-skin-oatmeal-800x800Source: http://img-aws.ehowcdn.com/

    These are the only stuffs which are suitable for all skin types and are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It is infact clinically proven that it helps in healing your itchy and dry skin too. In order to cure your itching irritation, it is advised to form a paste of Colloidal oatmeal powder mixed with warm water and apply it over your skin.

    Skin Lightening

    17196353-de16-4263-8d3f-4165c1ccbd12Source: http://s1.img.yan.vn/

    Nowadays everyone wants a glowing and bright skin and I guess, that’s why oats were discovered! It not only helps in improving your skin tone and skin texture, but also assists in smoothing out your uneven skin areas. For your convenience, you can even try various skin products like soaps, body scrubs, body lotions and creams that contain oats as an ingredient in it.

    Removes Dryness

    oatmealsSource: http://www.medibiztv.com/

    In case, you have dull or flaky skin, then need not worry more as you have oats besides your side. Oats contain polysaccharides in them, which further helps in forming a protective layer on your skin. It is even a proven formula for curing your dry skin symptoms of rashes, itching, scales and many more.

    Natural Cleanser

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    It contains saponins in it, which helps in providing natural cleansing effects to your skin. This element helps in removing the unwanted particles of oil and dirt from your skin, thus leaving behind a silky soft skin with reduced skin pore size. It even helps with the prevention of building up of your skin pores that lead to the formation of your dead skin.

    In order to enhance the scale of it’s effectiveness on your skin, let’s learn about few more tips of using oats..

    # Face Packs Of Oats For Skin

    Facial packs prove as a great clean-up process for your skin. It tightens your skin, rejuvenating your skin, cleanses your entire face and even helps in boosting up the blood circulation process in your skin. Here are few of them, which can help you with the same:

    IMAGE_Petras-Skin-SpaSource: http://s3.grouponcdn.com/
    glowingSource: http://www.boldsky.com/

    Oatmeal And Rosewater Face Pack

    Ingredients: 1 tbsp Honey, 2 tbsp. of oatmeal and 1 tbsp rose water.

    Procedure: Prepare a mixture or paste of oatmeal and honey by adding rosewater to it. Mix it well till it becomes a good thick paste. Now, apply this pack all over your face and neck and leave it for 10 minutes on your skin. Now, wash it off with lukewarm water to avail the desired benefits out of it.

    Oatmeal Face Pack With Lemon Juice

    Ingredients: Squeeze fresh juice from 1 / 2 a Lemon, 3tbsp Oatmeal and 1 tbsp Olive oil (extra virgin).

    Procedure: Grind the oatmeal and convert it into a powder form and then add extracted lemon juice and olive oil to it. Ensure the pack formed to be wet and not dry. Apply it over your entire face and neck and leave it there for 20 minutes. Now, wash it off with cold water. This will help in making your skin appear smooth, soft, hydrated and supple.

    Oatmeal And Curd Face Pack

    Ingredients: 1 or 2 tbsp of plain curd and3 tbsp Oatmeal.

    Procedure: Form a paste out of grinded oatmeal and curd. Now, apply it all over your face and specially on the area with large skin pores. Allow it to become dry on your skin for atleast 20 minutes and then, wash it off with cold water. Use this pack 2-3 times a week to avail best benefits out of it.

    This was for skin, now let’s discover the health benefits of Oats..

    # Tips For Usage Of Oats In Meals

    Hair-Benefits-Of-OatsSource: http://cdn2.stylecraze.com/

    Oats can be eaten in both cooked and raw form. For the ones with soft teeth, it can become hard for them to gulp them in raw form as they are hard to chew. However, you can form a soft texture by soaking a cup of raw oatmeal in 2 cups of water and leaving it for 2 hours. This can be further consumed by blending in a blender with the help of water.

    For your further convenience, you can also involve the use of Instant Oats, Oatmeal Cookies, Steel-cut Oats, Oatmeal Bread and Oat Bran in your diet. This will surely help in making you sound fit and healthy.