Perfect Relationship vs Perfect Sex


    The lights are dim… fire smolders in fireplace… Two Champaign glasses sit on the nightstand; half empty… clothes lie in a heap on floor. Both of you topple to the bed, and…


    No flare-up of passion… No pleasurable desire… No gratifying climax…You have probably become tired of taking it to la cama always you wanna get frisky. The fact is that your routine sex can be boring after a while (believe it or not). So you have to experiment to keep the flames of a relationship burning.
    You Can Jump to Any Particular Area of Content by Clicking on Following links :

    • Importance of Sex in a Relationship!
    • Amazing Health Benefits of Sex
    • How to Improve Sex Life?

    Importance of Sex in a Relationship!

    importance of sex


    # Causes Deep Bonding

    deep bonding after sex


    After having sex, you feel super close with your man … Well, it’s not the imagination. During sex, our brain releases oxytocin, dubbed as “cuddle hormone.” RESULT? You & your guy feel a strong connection. And in between the business and craziness of daily hectic life, getting it on can be the option to get closer.

    # Makes you Feel Desirable and Sexy

    sex makes you desirable


    You both find each other sexy… right? But due to busy life, couple forgets to remember this. So to add spark again, prefer taking a walk down memory lane by expressing each other how desirable you are.

    # Helps to Break you out of your Daily Boring Routine

    sex for boring routine



    You reach home, have dinner, tell each other 10-minutes synopsis of your entire day, and do takeout and proceed to your couch. It sounds familiar? This is actually making relationship boredom.

    To add spice, set your alarm for half-an-hour earlier than normal and pounce on your guy for a morning quickie. Wear the sexy lingerie under the covers and give him a love dose he gets into the bed next. This can be exactly what your sinking relationship needs.

    “A relationship is like a boat… the love protects it from sinking and sex makes it rocking. Sex adds zing to a relationship and is extremely important and it makes you feel close to your partner emotionally and physically.” Apart from connecting you with each other, sex helps to improve health also… SURPRISED? Keep on reading:

    Amazing Health Benefits of Sex

    health benefits of sex


    # Beats your stress

    sex beats stress


    Recent study says that Semen acts as a good anti-depressant. So next time, whenever you feel under the weather, just get down with your partner! This is gonna put a new hop in your step and boost your liveliness, and of course you’ll forget about your long hectic day.

    # Makes you Live Longer

    sex makes you live longer


    An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away (hehehe ). For best possible health benefits, sex keeps the levels of testosterone, estrogen and oxytocin flowing consistently. Not just that, regular sex can improve the cardiovascular health, reduce the prostate cancer risks and even lessen the osteoporosis possibility. So help your partner live longer.

    # For a Good Night Sleep

    sex for good night sleep


    Everyone gets tired after some time between the sheets… Well, this can help you close your heavy eyes as sex can cause a drop in the temperature of body, inducing a deep sleep.
    Helps to Burn Calories – Like any exercise, sex also helps to burn calories and fat—around 96 calories in twenty minutes for a 150-lb human. It means it will burn off the calories from your extra glass of wine at champagne. So it’s an excuse for a rapid workout before going to bed.

    # Enhances Immunity

    sex enhances immunity


    According to a study, sex twice or once a week has been connected to high level of an antibody known as immunoglobulin A, or IgA, that protects you from infections and common cold. In fact, it helps to treat migraines in many cases. So it’s time to throw away your Disprin.

    How to Improve Sex Life?

    how to improve sex life


    Sex in the same position, with same partner and in same style can get boring after a while. But remember, you need to ensure that your partner isn’t getting fed up in the sack… Otherwise, your life is headed for trouble. For keeping the spark alive between the sheets and taking your relationship on an exciting ride, here are some perfect ideas…

    # Create the mood

    create the mood



    Get ready for some sensual lovemaking… Create the romantic ambiance with rose petals, candle light, wine and floral bedcovers. This impression will liven up your dying libido and add a zing.

    # New Hot spots

    improve sex life 2


    Experiment with some new sex positions which give maximum friction; after all, the more the friction is, the more the orgasm induces. Go for GOT (girl on top) trick or keep pillow inside her to increase the friction. Your mind-blowing orgasm is on its way!

    # Sexy Lingerie

    lingerie in sex


    Splurge on some tempting lingerie. Go wild and get different kinds of sexy stuff – underwire, see-through, halter neck, lacy and whatnot. Try thongs, garters and edible lingerie to test. Bet the wild sex is bound to follow tonight!

    # Smell Good

    smell goodSource:

    Smelling nice is not a choice but a must! Foul body odor can put your partner off. To draw him/her towards you, smell attractive and sexy. You can opt for creamy, floral, fruity, romantic or sexy fragrances to allure your partner.

    ‘I have to get up early in the morning’ or ‘I am having headache’, you won’t hear these kinds of excuses. So follow these tips, reignite the romance in bedroom, and make your sex like a one-night-stand .