Things Men Want You to Do in Bed- Myth Not Reality!


    ‘Come on darling, more, some more please! Ohhhhhhhh baby, you are driving me crazy!’ Every woman wants to hear the same kind of words from their man. I am sure even you too! 😉

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    But, as said, milestones can only be achieved only after putting hard efforts there… so women, you need to push yourselves a little to touch your partner’s finishing line. You may be having a perfectly toned body, sexy curves, deep arched backside, lusty lips, or you may be even wearing sexiest lingerie but, is this all enough to please your man? Well, I don’t think so! I am sure, men want more from us and we (women) all want our men to pounce on us in response to our moves. Am I right ladieeeeeees? 😉

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    Here are few things that our men secretly want us to perform for them under the sheets 😛

    • From Uhhhh to Ahhhh 😉

    No No No, hold on to your wildest fantasies ladies! 😛 Here I am talking about a light stress free massage. Men may however not admit to it, but secretly they all crave for a good hand of pampering from our side. So, just put on some soothing music, dab some oil on your soft hands and rub it all over your man’s tensed muscles. Let your hand movements move to the rhythm of your love. 🙂

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    • Surrrrrrrrprise! 😀

    Don’t you love it when your man plans surprise dates for you or makes you feel special through his new moves on the bed? Well, if yes, then why not do the same to him? I think, even men look for a change in their usual bedroom routine. So, simply surprise your man with some of your new moves or anything that could satisfy him. 😉

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    • Swipe your Positions 😛

    Why to let your man take the charge every time? I am sure even you can take the lead in a much better way. 😉 Isn’t it?

    Yes, even though men may enjoy being on top of us, but, sometimes it feels good to swipe your positions. Just be on top of him and try to explore each and every part of his body in the sexiest way possible. Believe me, it will leave him grinning for days! 😀

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    • From Dreams to Reality 😉

    Everyone loves an icing on the cake, but icing added with cherry on it tastes much better. Right? 😉

    All men have some secret fantasies somewhere in the dark corner of their mind or heart. You just need to put a lending ear to those wild fantasies so that you can try them out openly with your partner. This will make the dreams of your man touch the grounds of reality and will even add a cherry point to your relationship. 😛

    From Dreams to Reality


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    • Be Shy, yet Confident 🙂

    You may be having the viewpoint that most of the men like assertive women, but, ladies that’s not the whole truth. He may like you to take the control, but, he will love it more when you will carry this bold avatar with the touch of shyness and charm in it. 😉

    Well, that’s all for today. 😛

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    have a happy sex


    These simple yet naughty tips are enough to drive your man crazyyyyyy. The practice of these tips will not just help in earning you with brownie points from his side, but will also help you in taking your relationship to a notch higher. So, fasten your seat belts and make him experience a drive full of jest, excitement, lust, love and naughtiness! 😉