A Woman’s Guide to Smart Investment


    As Forbes 2014 list of richest people announces this year to be that of female billionaires, we too in India are seeing an exceptionally positive and parallel trend of women occupying a central stage as some of the country’s richest citizens. With the rise of the 20th century, more and more women are breaking the shackles and finding a firm foothold in our exclusive male-dominated society and dictating the rules to her end. Needless to say with the coming of this new wave of female emancipation, not only in India, but through the entire world, women can now shoulder an equal responsibility with men as future torch-bearers of the world for the coming generations.

    #Smart Investment Ideas for Women

    A most obvious and natural factor in female empowerment is making a women financially independent, so that she can use her wealth as per her choice for the sake of her own well-being and that of her family. But a grim reality persists as a major percentage of women hardly know any better investment techniques, most often failing to earn any appreciation on their wealth but rather an increasing  depreciating returns in the current scenario of an inflating global economy. Needless to say that when there will be no appreciable earnings there will only be a limit to which these women will be able to reach.

    Thus, its as important to teach them smart investment ways as its important to make them independent financially. Therefore, in this article we share a four step-guide to make a smart choice as far as investment of your wealth is concerned. Focused on today’s working as well as home-makers, this plan will let have a better control over your wealth and other finance.

    #Take a Look:

    • Set your Goals: Define your goals clearly. In other words have a clear idea of why you are saving. You might be saving to have a regular income after childbirth or maybe thinking of an early retirement. Be transparent whether these are short-term or long-term goals so that you can invest accordingly.
    • Establish your Independence: Even though women may earn or inherit a lot of wealth, but even today most often she relies on her male counterparts-spouse or family- to handle their money. Make sure you are in charge of your own investments. Women generally outlive men and they are also the beneficiaries of life-insurance schemes in case of mishaps, so its important to have a knowledge and ownership of your income in case of rainy days.
    • Gather your Papers: Free consultancy will cost you nothing if you are not prepared. Make an assessment of your wealth status and find if there is any investment in your name. Gather all your papers, be it life-insurance policies, PPF account details or other bank details to your adviser so that he may better guide you about the investment policies best suitable in your individual case.
    • Choose Wisely: There will be a plenty of advice and places to choose from. Trust your instincts or take advice of someone trust-able and then choose so that the policy may better serve your purpose and fulfill the ends of you and your family.

    There has been a lot of emphasis off late on the importance of women investment. As a part to encourage the same, our government has started various schemes and policies better cut for the benefit of womenfolk of the country. Make sure to take advantage of them and as a part of individual effort be aware of smart investment ways to better appropriate your wealth.

     Image Sources — 1, 2, 3