15 Overrated Things In Life


    11. Getting Wasted

    What a possibly great way to find a way out of reality. But is it confined to doing just that? I doubt! People justify their alcoholism by saying that the booze helps them forget their problems. But I believe, the opposite is true! It does help to forget your problems while you’re in a state of intoxication, but it will add on more problems instead of putting an end to the old ones. When we get sober, all the things which were bothering us will eventually come back with much reinforcement.

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    12. Getting Married

    We already discussed the race people think our life is. Sometimes the race sabotages our rational thinking and we end up taking such a life-changing decision haphazardly. Do you actually want to spend your life with someone or you’re getting married just because your best friend is getting married? More than just a milestone in a person’s life, it’s a promise to love someone for the rest of your life. Make sure you’re landing up in this promise of love when you’re ready, not when you think you should be getting married by now.

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    13. Starbucks

    While watching TV one night, a TV commercial popped up showing teary-eyed Sally Stuthers coaxing you to sponsor a child as it just cost you half a cup of coffee. While watching the commercial, a hilarious thought darted my mind, that I can sponsor an entire village if the cup of coffee came from Starbucks! I wonder what makes people casually washing their hands from their hard earned money just for coffee beans and hot water. Why spending so much on a cup of coffee? Why not make it yourself at home?

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    14. Finding A Companion

    Honestly confessing, I used to envy my friends every time they posted their lovey-dovey status about the man they were with, on Facebook. What came afterwards was a desperate version of me trying to find my ‘perfect man’. It was not until a hell-ish relationship I had with a guy, that I realized how superficial and shallow relationship actually are these days! Everyone is so dreaded to be alone to such an extent that they mortgage their self-worth for a shitty relationship. It’s just because we’ve overrated being in a relationship to such an extent that we can’t just stand being called a loner.

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    15. Religion

    Oh, religion! I can’t say a word about you, or can I? It really aches in my heart to see people debating on the grounds of their religious beliefs. What people practice nowadays is certainly not religion. It’s fanaticism! It’s a kind of insanity. Religions never preach violence. It never ever preached hatred. Religion was established thousands of years ago, just to organize mankind. But what we really see is savagery shown by some people in the name of religion. I still hope for the time when we’ll stop overrating our fanatic beliefs, to which we address as ‘religion’.

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