7 Must Do Tips to Have Fair and Flawless Skin Naturally!!


    Fair skin, long hairs, flawless complexion… the mantra every women keeps chanting! Having a fair skin is not just all about face packs, diet, etc, and other basics are also as important. Here are few fairness tips that can restore glow of your face. Skin need a lot of care and nurturing to look beautiful and flawless.

    Tips to Have Naturally Fair and Flawless Skin!

    Some natural tips to get a perfect complexion. Here are few basic natural ways to get a beautiful and glowing skin

    Natural Ways To Get A Perfect Skin Complexion

    • Drink a lot of water if want your skin look bright. It helps your skin regenerate itself and leave the tired self. Make drinking water a daily habit and drink a least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    • A sound sleep can work wonder for radiance of your skin. It helps your skin to rejuvenate after facing so many odds everyday.

    • Exercise is very essential for glow of your skin. Make it a habit to exercise 30 minute everyday.

    • Make skin care a daily routine as it cease dead and dry skin to accumulates that makes your complexion dull.

    • Don’t forget to remove your makeup before going to bed every night. With makeup on your face your skin can’t repair itself.

    • Make vitamin A and vitamin C food stuffs part of your daily diet. Perfect diet plays a great role to bring natural glow to your skin. Vitamin C tablet are also available in the market. Vitamin C is very essential for your skin glow.

    your skin

    Two Easy Home Remedies For Fair Skin

    Some ingredients available in your kitchen can be really helpful in daily skin care. You can try out these item of your kitchen to get a perfect skin complexion.

    Tea Water and Honey Face Pack

    Take one cup of tea water after cooling it down, take two spoon of rice floor and one teaspoon of honey. Make a fine mixture of ingredients and apply it on your. Doing it daily will yield some fantastic results for your skin.


    Lemon and Turmeric Face Pack

    You can make a fantastic face pack by mixing turmeric in lemon juice. Apply this face pack on your skin. It is very nice method to get a fair and glowing skin.


    You can get a perfect glowing and radiant skin embracing these simple steps in your. These small methods can work wonder for your skin.


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