Basic 10 Rules to a Sizzling Encounter!

    Young couple sharing a glass of red wine in restaurant, celebrating or on romantic date. Focus on woman with glass.

    Without romance, life can be boring. An intimate and passionate sex with your love keeps your relationship alive. But, sex can become monotonous and dull, if you do not feel the spontaneity flowing and spark alive. When it comes to sex, there’s nothing more damaging to sexual excitement than a repetitive pattern. So buddy, trust me on that, your sex life does not have to stay in a rut. To get that little zest back in your bedroom and spice up your sexual life, I can help you out.

    So, be ready for the big chance in the bedroom by following these rules. It can help turn your boring and dull sex life to a sexy and sizzling one! To tell you the secret, I personally have tried most of them! 😉

    # Get the Romance Back

    Women love romance. Surprise her! Tell your lady that she is beautiful and suggest a walk together, or may be a bath. Gift her a sexy lingerie and have a glass of wine together. Sounds good? It would be better if you try it too, that will help you experience the best sex of your life.

    Young couple sharing a glass of red wine in restaurant


    # Try New Sex Positions

    Are you still trying to excite her in the same boring position? Get Kamasutra savvy, and experiment with some different and interesting sex positions like women on top, standing up, spooning, doggy style and many more. It will not only stir up your sexual life, but also help your girl climax even better.



    # Go the Extra Mile

    If you go to the bed every night, she knows what’s going to happen, and how dull can be that. Don’t get into the routine, because it can be boring. Try the techniques to please her, go down on her and kiss her everywhere. Make it more about her, and you will surely reap the benefits.



    #The Roman Bath

    Ask your lady to share a bath with her. Add some aromatherapy oil in the jacuzzi and slip in first. Then ask her to get in and sit inside your legs with her back towards you. Gently kiss the back of her neck, slide your arms around her ribcage and stroke her breasts that will help both of you get pleasant experience.



    # Sex in Other Places

    No, now don’t tell me that you are one of those who love a rampage in the bedroom. The familiarity of the bedroom loses the sexual sparks in most couples. Bring out your sexual adventure by doing the deed outside. The laundry room, the kitchen counter, the garage, the shower, and even the backseat of your car is still unexplored. With this, you can actually see a rise in your orgasmic level in a second.



    Here are some tips for Women too…

    # Get Handcuffs

    To add that extra sizzle in your sex life, stock up on some sexy props! They are an epic kinky accessory that helps to spice the things up in the bedroom. With this, you can play the part of a female cop, which is always a turn on during sex, and cuff him to your bed. Wait wait, don’t only just use it on him, get yourself also handcuff in the same so as to heat up your sexual session.



    # Play Sex Games

    Whoever said playing games in the bedroom cannot be fun, has surely missed all the excitement. A creative, fun game of naked twister or strip-poker is enough to spark the intimate lovemaking session. And if you are among those who don’t want to stick to the conventions, make your own rules, and make his night a memorable one.

    spark lovemaking session

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    # Pearl Necklace Technique

    Get out an old, fake pearl necklace and touch the moan zones of your man with your hands. Then, with the help of your lashings of lubricants, start moving them up and down that will leave him wanting for more.



    # Moan and Murmur

    Making noises can be sexy during sex, indeed very sexy! Start making noise softly as it will show that you are enjoying every moment. It will make you feel more aroused, and might encourage him to make noises as well.


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    # Sexual Role-Play

    Having a one-night stand with a stranger can be exciting, right? But hey, it might lead to affect your serious relationship, which you definitely not want. So, why not engage in similar role-play that can actually be fun? Pretend to be stranger with your better half and give in to your innermost desire. It will make your sex life more sizzling and enjoyable.

    Trust me, to have a passionate lovemaking and sizzling encounter, a bit of creativity is what we all need. Always remember that variety is the spice of a great sex life. By adhering to the above suggestions, you can easily add some much needed spice to your bedroom. So, what are you waiting for? Try some of them tonight only!

    Young smiling couple looking at each other while lying in bed
