Something sweet, something healthy, something light..any guesses what is it? Yes, it’s HONEY, the sweet liquid made by the collective effort of bunch of bees. Yes, I am talking about HONEY, which is loaded with bagful of nutrients, healing compounds and antioxidants. In this polluted world, we all wish to maintain the glowing and flawless nature of our skin and for this, we often tend to torture our sensitive skin with the use of chemical based and artificial products. But, no worries, now you can redeem the natural benefits for your skin in your kitchen only!
Let’s hear it out about some beauty benefits of honey:
- It helps in the formation of collagen in our skin and work towards treating your scar marks.
- It is loaded with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- It works as a natural antioxidant and also helps in rejuvenating your skin.
- It even holds the power of working as a natural cleanser and moisturizer for all skin types.
Moving further, here are some skincare tips and face masks blended with the touch of honey, which can provide enhanced benefits for your skin..
Honey for Oily Skin
It is exceptionally good for your troublesome oily skin. Yes, you read it right, it is! It is loaded with the richness of several properties, which helps in the absorption of excess oil or moisture from your skin, thus reducing the chance of having any kind of skin infection.
Honey with chilled milk and grated cucumber
Mix a small amount of honey with grated cucumber and chilled milk and stir it well. Now, apply this paste on your face for around 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
Honey with Fuller’s Earth
Fuller’s earth or Multan mitti is a proven effective formula for oily skin. If mixed with honey, it will not only help in fading away your oily look, but will also help in keeping your pimples at bay. Apply the paste of Multan mitti and honey on your face and let it stick there for around 20 minutes before rinsing off. Also, do not forget to apply moisture after washing off this pack.
Honey for Acne Prone Skin
Honey plays a major role in killing the root cause of acne producing bacterias in your skin. It works as a natural and effective measure for providing you with a flawless and acne free skin.
Honey with Oats
Apply a blended mixture of honey and oats on your skin. This paste is used as a scrub for your skin. You are only required to rub this paste gently on your skin for few minutes before washing it off. It will cure your acne and will also help in opening up of your skin pores.
Honey with Sandalwood Powder
Prepare an appropriate mixture of lemon juice, honey and sandalwood powder and mix it well. Now, apply this pack on your skin for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
Honey with lemon
This effective face pack of honey and lemon helps in fading away your skin blemishes and acne issues. First wash off your face, then apply this pack on your skin for 20 minutes and then wash it off. Also, remember to moisturize well your skin after this.
Honey for Glowing Skin
If your skin is deprived with the glow, then I am sure you are not in using terms with your honey bottle. Honey is believed to be loaded with medicinal properties which work towards adding a required glow to your skin.
Honey with Tomato
Prepare a thick paste of tomato and honey and apply this on your skin for around 15 minutes. Now, wash it off with warm water to achieve a glowing and cleaned skin as your reward.
Honey with Banana
In order to reveal your skin’s natural glow, take a ripe banana, mash it up and add some honey to it. Massage your skin with this paste for few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Honey with Glycerin and Turmeric
Add a tablespoon of honey, some glycerin and a pinch of turmeric and prepare the paste. Apply it o your skin and wash it off after 20 minutes, thus allowing it to feel dry. It will add glow to your skin and will also help in safeguarding your skin from allergic reactions.
Honey for Dry Skin
Honey is the oldest remedy used for treating dry skin. The dry and flaky texture for your skin can be cured with the regular use of honey in your routine. The smooth layer of honey on your dry skin, can make it appear glowing and soft skin.
Honey with Avocado
Make a paste of mashed ripe avocado, 2 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cream. Apply this mixture on your skin for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
Honey with Raw Milk
Mix honey and raw milk to form a paste. Apply this on your face and massage it well with soft hands for few minutes. Now, wash it off with lukewarm water for achieving a flawless and moisturized skin.
Honey for Bright Skin
There is no one out there who does not crave for a bright and glowing skin tone. If you are one among this lot, then you must have surely tried out honey as a remedy, but if not, then here are the tips for using it.
Honey with Papaya
Mash some papaya into the form of a smooth pulp and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Apply this face pack daily on your skin for gaining required bright complexion for your dull looking skin.
Honey with Besan
Prepare a homemade face pack of besan, honey and a pinch of turmeric and mix it well. Apply this pack on your skin for few minutes and then wash it off with water.
Honey for Mature and Aging Skin
Honey is the mildest and oldest form of treating your aged looking or mature skin. It is enriched with the benefits of increasing collagen production in your skin, which further helps n diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines and other aging signs from your skin.
Honey with Onion Juice
Mix few drops of honey in onion juice and apply it all over your face. Keep it there for few minutes and then wash it off with water. With it’s regular use, you will be able to get relief from your premature wrinkles.
Honey with Egg
Prepare a mixture of honey and an egg in a bowl. Massage this well on your face and let it dry and then wash it off. This will not only help in treating well your aged looking skin, but will also help in the tightening of your skin.
Honey with Oatmeal, Yoghurt and Fennel
Mix 3 tablespoon of oatmeal, fennel seeds, yoghurt and honey and apply it all over your face and neck. Let this paste become dry and then wash it off with tepid water.
Honey for Flawless Skin
Every woman desires of having a smooth flawless skin, which appears buttery on touch. Honey works as an amazing product for this purpose. This golden syrup makes your skin appear unblemished skin tone.
Prepare an appropriate mixture of chandan, besan, malai, rose oil and honey and blend it well. Now apply this paste all over your face and neck and leave it to dry. After some time, i.e. after attaining its unmoistened state, peel it off to discover your perfect looking skin. It is also advised to use this pack once a week for great results.
Honey for Moisturization
Dry and parched skin is not entertained by anyone. We all crave for moisturized and smooth skin all the time. Honey is a sweet treat that can make your skin dermis appear soooooooooooooo smooth, silky and hydrated on every touch.
Honey with Milk
Mix 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey with each other. Now add half tablespoon of lemon and a pinch of turmeric powder to it and mix it well. Apply this paste all over your face and neck and leave it there 25-30 minutes. Then, wash it off with cold water thus, flaunting your moisturized skin.
Honey for Face Scrubbing
The layer of dead cells on your skin actually never allow you to flaunt your fair and impurity free skin, rather it makes your skin appear dull. To overcome this issue, you can involve the use of honey in your routine. It is an effective formula which can make you skin appear healthy and dirt free.
Honey with Sea Salt or Sugar
Take half tablespoon of honey and salt and mix it with 3 tablespoon of honey. Apply this pack on your face and massage it well for few minutes. After this, wash it off with lukewarm water to discover your new look.
Honey with Almond and Lemon Juice
Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoon finely ground almonds, half teaspoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey. Apply this scrub gently on your face for few minutes and then, wash i8t off with lukewarm water. You will discover your fair skin in no time.
Honey for Tanned Skin
The appearance of dark skin here and there bothers everyone. To cover them, most of us generally go for the use of artificial products, but we tend to forget the benefits of using our natural skin remedy, honey.
Honey with Lemon
Mix equal quantities of milk powder, almond oil, lemon juice and honey to form a paste. Now apply this all over your face and neck and even hands for 20 minutes. After this, wash it off with water, thus highlighting your bright and tanned free skin.
Honey, Pick the Best HONEY!
Dabur, Khadi, Organic and many more, you just name it and you have a good brand in your hands. But, is it actually good? Or pure? Actually may be or may be not! It may be added with sugary syrup or jaggery in it. The best way to buy honey with your open eyes is to test it before buying. Freeze honey in your fridge, if it remains viscous as before, then it is pure, but if attracts ants, then, my dear, it’s the impure one. Another way to check pure honey is to analyze the factor whether it is crystallized one or not. If it is crystallized, then it is impure as it is added with sugary substances, but if it is not, then you can surely go for it!
These are the required tips for having a great bond with honey. I am sure you will provide a lending hand of friendship towards honey now! 🙂