Effects of Wearing High Heels – Watch Your Step!!


Stylish, beautiful, tall look and always in fashion, high heels have been a trend to all the ladies around the world and any event without those on- NO NO! At one point of time, high heels were just an option to give you a tall look, because that compliments your body in a perfect manner. But then, high heels are a perfect excuses to match our attire and give a smart, sexy look too…no?

High Heels

Wearing comfortable dresses and shoes are important for you to remain relaxed even while doing any kind of work, but for girls, high heels are an exception! They just love wearing this as according to them, high heels are a ‘source’ of-

  • Perfect Style and Updated Fashionable wear anywhere.
  • Giving your body a good posture as you walk around.
  • Building confidence in oneself.
  • Having a beautiful and eye catchy legs to flatter around.
  • Cajoling your attire to its best.
  • Giving you a tall and smart look as normal heels increases your height to at least an inch or two, where as high heels helps in increasing the height to five inches or more, as per the height of the heels.

leopard print heels

Effects of wearing High Heeled Shoes-

No doubt, high heels give you a smart, bold and confident look, but at the same time they also land you many side effects. Here are a few pointers of its bad effects-

  • Pain- Due to the high level of your heels above the ground, these type of foot wears make you suffer from terrible foot aches. It happens so because the pressure of your entire body gets laid to your feet.

Other than your foot, you may even suffer from hip and back pain. Just as your foot, the pressure of your body falls on the lower back too, which causes back pain.

  • Spine- Wearing high heels can be dangerous as it affects your posture and also the spinal cord of your body.
  • Sprains- Most women land up getting sprains on their ankles and other parts of their leg. They start walking quickly and carelessly when in rush that makes them sprain their legs. Walk slowly whenever you are in high heels. It’ll help you avoid many such accidents.

foot pain

Try wearing high heels only when necessary. Apart from the above mentioned effects, some studies even claim that wearing high heels can lead you to certain mental related issues too. 

Now that’s a step too far… is not it??

Shoes and clothes are meant to be comfortable utilitarian stuff. Don’t go experimenting against your health for the sake of looking the best just like the celebrities do… though on the flip side, I really do wonder how do they manage strutting along in high heels all the while singing and dancing! Quite an interesting matter of discussion… but we shall raise it some other time.. Till then, keep it stylish but healthy.. fashion is no fashion if it hurts you!



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