Is Your Marriage on Rocks, Get Back on Track with Romance!!


    Goethe a famous German writer says, “Love is an ideal thing but marriage is a real thing”. People fall in love then they get married and there come the idea of being happy forever. Most people find it hard to remain happy in marriage.

    Life is not a fairy tale and things are little bit complicated. It requires constant effort to keep up your marital harmony. With passage of time, there comes new responsibilities, financial pressure and children. When we feel the heat of challenges of married life, we tend to recall nostalgic feelings of the early days of relationship when our romance was intense.

    #justmarried #stillmarried

    Bring Back Romance in your Relationship-

    Come out of the nostalgia and ignite romance in your life yet again. Here are some tips to rediscover marital bliss.

    • The Daily “Us” Time

    Living together does not always mean that two people would spend time together. In modern lifestyle there are so many sophisticated ways to avoid each other like social networks, TV etc. Some people get very tired after putting hard work in their job. Despite of all, spending time together gives respite to all your daily woes. It also brings a feeling of unconditional support to each other.


    • Go on a Date

    Marriage is all about falling in love with the same person again and again. A nice trip to your favorite spot can bring you closer to your spouse. You can choose the place where you had spend your honeymoon or some other memorable episode. A date once in a while is crucial to replenish the sense of togetherness.

    #lovingcouple, #muslimcouple

    • Communication is The Key

    Communication is a vital aspect of every relationship. Most of the problems in a marriage is associated with communication gap. A regular and effective communication can sort out all differences between you and partner.


    • Express Your Feeling

    Always try to express your love at certain occasions. You can express the feeling of love by bringing special gifts for your spouse. Sharing of feelings brings emotional assurance between two people. It is very important to keep any relationship alive.


    A successful marriage needs constant care. It is all about taking good care of each other with a sense of responsibility. To keep a relationship spicy is not a rocket science. Only taking care of a few simple things can make your marriage happy forever.

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