Yoga Asanas to Improve Sex Drive!


    So, let’s get started…

    Back to 2009, a study revealed that ‘a regular yoga practitioner can easily get improved several aspects of sexual function, including orgasm, desire, arousal, and of course, overall satisfaction.’ There is no doubt that Yoga helps to increase sex drive and helps you get a fun-filled time with your beloved under the sheets.

    Now, be ready to hit the mat as here are some of the ‘Asanas’ that promises you complete pleasure! 😉

    # Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana

    In this posture, you have to lift your butt in the air and get yourself completely relaxed. Now, that’s a sexy pose! 😉 It calms your mind, improves overall flexibility and is absolutely good for sex. Doesn’t believe me? Try out yourself!

