Dirty Questions Men Generally Ask


    Men are generally gentle when they go out on dates, but hold on, there is another side of this coin too! When it comes to exposing their wild side, they hold some fantasies and questions boggling in their mind, for which they try to dig desirable answers. If cracked correctly, then it’s an adventurous ride for your man to seduce and inquire about your mischievous side. He actually loves to uncover your kinky, naughty yet adoring phase, while providing you with a pillow of comfort at the same moment. Who knows, well may be it’s his way to warm you and unwrap your naughty side! 😉

    Source: http://dd508hmafkqws.cloudfront.net/

    Here is a list of few questions which are asked by almost every guy and can arouse any girl and make her wet.

    # What do you wear when you go to bed, payajamas, lingerie or nothing at all ;)?


    Source: p.gr-assets.com

    # Is it bushy below or is it totally clean?

    Source: http://www.taitboudoir.com/

    # Does a massage arouses you?


    Source: http://i2.wp.com/

    # What’s your bra size?

    Thinking smiling woman with questions mark above head looking up isolated on white backgroundSource: http://holdinholden.com/

    # Do you like soft romance or wild sex?

    600x400xTen-Things-To-Do-After-A-Steamy-Sex-Session-600x400.jpg.pagespeed.ic.mp-ZwEXYcKx3L4kr6rgQSource: http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/

    # Would you like to be on top or underneath?


    Source: http://factmag-images.s3.amazonaws.com/

    # What’s your sexiest body part which you would like to flaunt?


    Source: http://images.sonara.net/

    # Do you like slow foreplay or direct action?

    intimate color image of sensual couple foreplaySource: http://dingo.care2.com/

    # What’s your secret move which can turn on any guy?


    Source: http://www.keepcalmandposters.com/

    # Would you like to give oral sex or be more interested in receiving it?

    Source: http://t2.gstatic.com/

    # Do you like cuddling when you go bed?


    Source: https://bobbosblock.files.wordpress.com

    # Whats the sexiest body part you would like to get kissed on?


    Source: https://iloveromanceblog.files.wordpress.com

    # Have you ever masturbated? If yes, then how do you feel once you are done?


    Source: http://www.womansworld.in/

    # Have you ever watched porn?

    image-20141211-6042-12xmo24Source: https://62e528761d0685343e1c-f3d1b99a743ffa4142d9d7f1978d9686.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com

    # Would you rathar spit or swallow when you go down on me?

    Source: http://www.glamour.com/

    # Do you think we both will get dirty if we got drunk tonight?


    Source: http://andthatswhyyouresingle.com/

    # Would you be mad if I accidentally kiss and grope you?


    Source: http://images.forwallpaper.com/

    # What’s the only place a guy should touch to make you horny?


    Source: http://www.datingmetrics.com/

    # Did you ever had a one night stand ? Have you ever made out with a guy after you got drunk?


    Source: http://www.getgirlsguide.com/

    # Would you like to have sex at the beach or in the swimming pool?

    1245168936_top-10-beaches-to-have-sex-on_flashSource: http://images.askmen.com/

    These kinds of questions will surely set up a intimacy among you two, it’s a medium from which you can spill your dirty secrets to him. Because it is not always necessary to be wild and nasty, sometimes only questions can ‘tame’ you hinting that he is up for some kinky games. Boys discreetly want to ride you and let you know that he is instinctively hitting on you!