Sexting and Sex Messages – Whats the Impact?


    Picture this: You are out with some of your friends and suddenly a message pops up on your Whatsapp. You open it up and find a semi nude image of one of your boyfriend. What will be your reaction? Some of you may find it odd, but, I guess most of you will enjoy this act of your boyfriend.

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    Well, here, you enter into the world of Sexting ! We all tend to receive or send lovey dovy messages from or to our partner respectively and this is quite a common thing prevailing among adults, especially teenagers. Sending or receiving sexually suggestive messages, images or even videos via Internet or cellphone makes you stand among the crowd of Sexting. Although it has received a lot of negative attention in the Media because of its risky impact that is leading teenagers towards risky sexual behavior or unprotected sex, but, every coin has two sides, so there must be something positive to it too. So, let’s discover the impacts of this prevailing phase of Sexting.

    #Keeps things Spicy in a Relationship

    Dealing with sexting behavior far away from the reach of teens, can be regarded as a good option for adults. As per the various studies, sexting with your partner is regarded as a good and positive way of communication between the partners. It helps you maintain the spicy factor in your relationship. It helps in bringing a positive change between the couples thus, leading to their more healthy relationship.

    # Acts as a Communication Bridge

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    It is even treated as a vehicle for communicating with your partner (adults only please). Yes, that’s true! Every individual is born with a different personality, some are shy while some are open. It acts as a way of communication for the ones who are shy with their partners. It will help in expressing yourself in front of your partner without making notice the redness of your cheeks.

    Like I told you earlier, every coin has two sides so, let’s discover its other side.

    # It’s Illegal guys

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    Yes, it may be a pleasure activity for many of you, but it’s illegal! You may be unaware of the fact, if you are caught up in the case of sexting then, you may be registered as a sex offender for years and may end up in a juvenile detention facility. More above this, you may even face a hard time getting admitted to a good college or securing a better future for yourself. So, actually it’s not that cool.

    P.S. It is regarded as a crime only for minors who cannot be categorized in the category of adults.

    # Sometimes it appears Embarrassing

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    You may have sent or received images or videos for your lover’s eyes only but, it may be forwarded, uploaded, edited or passed around the Internet by your lover only. Well, if your lover is trustworthy enough and keep your picture private then, his/her phone may still get into some unwanted hands and it may then hamper your life.

    So, although there may be negative implications of teens using sexting as a means of communication but, it is regarded as a positive sign for adults and helps in nurturing their relationship.